Manhole Lining

Manhole lining eliminates several reasons of possible errors, infiltration, and sewer intrusion and improve the structural strength of the manhole and reduced the flow of water saving the city thousands of dollars in treatment costs and prevention of environmental disaster.

ICM have over 10yrs of experience in the water and sewer industry; including manhole lining and restoration, lining over 5000 manhole in DeKalb, We use Pliable epoxies to permanently stop infiltration, provides corrosion protection to protect manholes against sewer infiltration and Hydrogen sulfide gas.

100% solids epoxy that has superior corrosion resistance and adhesion to damp surfaces is applied surrounding the entire interior structure and exterior of the manhole providing long-term protection and effective wastewater conduction, while providing a great increase in the structural value of the manhole. Its nontoxic, environmentally friendly, stop erosion, nonflammable and excellent structural value and durability.

No matter what the lining and rehabilitation needs are, Integrated Construction Management has a method and a solution for restoring and protecting your concrete or metallic infrastructure.